
PIARC vinterkongres – deadline for online abstracts 31. januar 2021

I februar 2022 afholdes PIARC XVI World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress i Calgary, Canada. Det overordnede tema for kongressen er “Adapting to af Changing World”. Deadline for at indsende…

Logo Calgary Winter Congress 2022




The Congress is an international forum where decision-makers, experts, administrators, academics, and equipment operators, manufacturers and engineers share their knowledge and best practices. The XVI Congress begins a new and exciting chapter for PIARC as we have added to the program the theme of Resilience in all seasons, not only winter, in addition to the traditional theme of Winter Service.

Resilience is the ability to prepare, respond, recover and adapt from pressures. Resilience in the transportation system can be impacted by climate change, natural or human disasters, extreme weather events, pandemics, in addition to aging infrastructure, increased or heavier traffic, use of non-standard equipment on roads, etc.

In the lead up to the Congress, we have, along with PIARC General Secretariat, launched our Call for Papers. As you are no doubt aware, the success of any technical or scientific conference starts with the number and quality of technical papers that are submitted. I am therefore asking that you widely promote the Call for Papers within your organization and with your members to encourage maximum participation in the Call for Papers. Our website www.piarc-calgary2022.org has all the details. I have also included our Bulletin No 1, which was issued this past summer, in a printable .pdf. We also encourage you to follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook!

February 2022 sounds like a long way off, but authors need to prepare their abstracts now. For guidelines on how to submit an abstract, consult the Call for Papers tab of the congress website.

Abstracts may be submitted online by January 31, 2021. For abstracts that are accepted, the author(s) will be invited to submit a formal paper for evaluation. Prizes will be awarded for the best papers.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.



Sheena Carrigan

Program Manager – Communications

Canadian Organizing Committee

Comité organisateur canadien

Comité Organizador Canadiense


Baltic Road Association vejkongres i 2021 – call for abstracts 1. oktober 2020

I august 2021 holder Baltic Road Association (BRA) deres 30. internationale vejkongres. Læs mere på kongressens hjemmeside, hvor du også kan læse om, hvordan du indsender et ”paper”, hvis du…

30th International Baltic Road Conference

BRA vejkongres 2021

Dear colleagues!

The year 2020 has presented us with new challenges never seen before. These challenges, however, are leading to evolutionary developments in decision making processes and work methods at an increasing speed.

Road networks in the Baltic States are regarded as mayor drivers of the economy at the moment and I am convinced that road networks will retain their significance as a backbone of the transport system in all our countries.

It is my sincere hope that in August, 2021, we will be able to meet at the 30th International Baltic Road Conference and that interest in this event will be expressed both by our cooperation partners with whom we have long and friendly relations and by representatives of new organisations and companies who might provide new and untraditional views on developing the road sector and solving its problems.

We look forward to meeting you in Riga and promise that the last days in August 2021 will offer wide opportunities both for creative work and networking!

Jānis Lange
Chairman of the Baltic Road Association
Chairman of the Board
Latvian State Roads