Urban Transport and Transport Planning
Welcome to the pages of the working group ‘Urban Transport and Transport Planning’. Here you will find information about the working group’s meetings, minutes, and other relevant documents. You will also find a list of the group’s members and contact information.
About the working group
The purpose of the working group is to exchange experiences on urban transport and transport planning. The group aims to share knowledge and good examples of mobility strategies and to develop tools that can be utilized in creating strategic and sustainable mobility.
The working group will focus on specific themes, including mobility strategy, urban transport in small and intermediate size cities, and sustainable mobility.
For more information about the working group and the themes, see Description of the working group below.
The working group has been set up for the period July 2024 – June 2028. Sweden is the leading country of the working group during that period.
Climate and Environment is the overarching theme for all the working groups during the period 2024–2028.
Relevant UN Global Goals:
The group will make proposals for the follow-up on the sustainable development goals in autumn 2024.
Description will be updated in autumn 2024.
You can find the working group’s action plan here:
Action plan will be published in autumn 2024.
You can find the rules of procedure and information about the roles, framework, and responsibilities of the working group here:
Information for the working groups
Members of the working group
Here you can see a list of all members of the working group.
Contact information can be found at Member page
Login is required to view documents.
Working group calendar
Here you can see a list of upcoming and past meetings.
Webinar 8. desember 2020: «Nye tanker om mobilitet – To eksempler fra Danmark»
Webinar 23. og 24. mars 2021: “Hvordan jobbe med bærekraftsmålene (verdensmålene) i planlegging og utvikling av byer og transportsystemer?”
Seminar i Malmö 11. og 12. november 2021: “Hållbar urban mobilitet”
Webinar 17. januar 2022: “Mindre biltrafik i Københavns Middelalderby”
Fagseminar i Reykjavik 31. mai – 1. juni 2022: Bærekraftig mobilitet og reisen som en opplevelse
Seminar i Odense 7.-8. november 2022 i Odense: Målkonflikter
Seminar i Tammerfors 5.-6. juni 2023: Goda exempel på kombinerade transporter och transportnav
Work materials
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