Theme: Climate and Environment
Welcome to the pages of the theme: Climate and Environment. It is the overarching theme for all the working groups during the period 2024-2028.
For the period 2024-2028, there is an overarching theme “Climate & Environment” that acts as a matrix for all working groups. The overarching theme has two coordinators who coordinate the activities with close co-operation and dialogue with the working groups. These two coordinators are appointed by the Finnish association. Crosscutting themes are responsible for coordination within their own area of work and are planned for the four-year period. For example, theme workshops, webinars or seminars can be arranged where specific current topics are handled together with working groups.
Coordinators prepare topics for webinars, collect presentation ideas from each working group (“call for papers”) and organize the event. The working groups are expected to prepare one presentation suitable for the theme, just as they do for the Via Nordica congress. The target group is all the people who work in the road and transport sector, not just NVF members. The aim is to achieve more cooperation between working groups and to exchange information, knowledge, and experiences. The same theme could possibly also become a session in Via Nordica 2028.
The overarching themes have their own action plan, and the work is reported in the same way as working groups report. The association board also monitors and steers the work on the overarching themes.
Relevant UN Global Goals:
- 7 Affordable and Clean Energy
- 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 13 Climate Action
Members of the working group
Here you can see a list of all members of the working group.
Contact information can be found at Member page
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Here you can see a list of upcoming and past meetings.