Home NVF Board

NVF Board

NVF Board is the highest decision-making body of the NVF. NVF Board consists of the chairpersons, vice-chairpersons, and secretaries of each country’s national association board. The chairmanship of the NVF is changed every four years. Finland holds the chairmanship of the NVF for the period 2024–2028.

Ifjordfjellet i FinnmarkAbout NVF Board

NVF Board is the highest decision-making body of the NVF. The member countries of the NVF are Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Each country has a national association with a chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, and members. NVF Board consists of the chairpersons, vice-chairpersons, and secretaries of each country’s national association board.

The chairmanship of the NVF is changed on a rotating basis between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The chairmanship period changes on 1st July every four years.

Finland holds the chairmanship period for the current period 1st July 2024–30th June 2028. After that, Iceland will take over the chairmanship.

The chairperson, vice-chairperson, and secretary of the national association of the leading country are also the chairperson, vice-chairperson, and secretary of the NVF Board during the chairmanship period.

Framework of the meetings

The NVF Board meeting is arranged twice a year. NVF Board may decide to include new themes and use new forms of organization during the chairmanship period. Association meeting is arranged once a year in autumn. At the association meeting the chairpersons and vice-chairpersons of the working groups meet with the NVF Board. 

Members of the Federation Board

Here you can see all members of the Federation Board.

Jarmo Joutsensaari
Väylävirasto (Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency)
Mikko Leppänen
Ramboll Finland Oy
Bergþóra Þorkelsdóttir
Vegagerðin (Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration)
Ib Enevoldsen
Foreningen af Rådgivende Ingeniører (FRI)
Ingrid Dahl Hovland
Statens vegvesen (Norwegian Public Roads Administration)
Iren Meli Lundby
Norsk Kommunalteknisk Forening
Jens Holmboe
Vejdirektoratet (Danish Road Directorate)
Kim Krett Hansen
Marjun Thomassen
Roberto Maiorana
Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration)
Þorsteinn Hermannsson
Betri samgöngur

Contact information can be found at Member page



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Here you can see a list of upcoming and past meetings.

Upcoming events
Past events
16.-16. september, 2020
1.-1. november, 2020
5.-5. november, 2020
23.-23. november, 2020
12.-12. january, 2021
29.-29. january, 2021
19.-19. may, 2021
19.-19. may, 2021
9.-9. june, 2021
21.-21. june, 2021
12.-12. october, 2021
12.-12. october, 2021
5.-5. november, 2021
24.-24. november, 2021
24.-24. november, 2021
2.-2. march, 2022

NVF Joint Meeting

NVF Board
26.-26. april, 2022
8.-8. june, 2022
7.-7. september, 2022

Workshop 7. september 2022

NVF BoardDanmark
6.-6. october, 2022
23.-23. november, 2022
23.-23. november, 2022
11.-11. january, 2023
9.-9. march, 2023
11.-11. may, 2023
14.-14. june, 2023
22.-22. november, 2023
22.-22. november, 2023

Work materials


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