Thea Langebek Andresen

👂 Listen carefully 👂

Have you ever wondered how big of a difference a noise barrier makes? One of the exciting tours you can experience at the Via Nordica 2024 Congress, is Auralisations of…

📅Have you seen the full programme?📅

Via Nordica 2024 offers a wide range of parallel sessions, plenary sessions and technical tours. Take a look at the PDF file here and get a clear overview of the full…

🚧How do we procure for the future? 🚧

Road procurement in the Nordics is in the forefront internationally in taking into use new more cooperative and relational contracting models. The Via Nordica 2024 Congress includes a session dedicated…

🏗️ Changing the future of construction sites🏗️

Drastic changes are needed in several sectors – and the construction sector is no exception. If we can succeed in creating zero-emission construction sites, we’ll already be taking a big…

Early bird deadline nærmer sig: 1. februar

Der er stadig fem måneder til, at vi slår dørene op og byder jer velkommen til Via Nordica 2024. Der er dog knap så lang tid til, at vores early…