Home About NVF Organization


On this page you will find information about the organization of the NVF. The NVF is led by the NVF Board.

There are six member countries in the NVF. They are Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Each member country has its own national association. The work in the NVF takes place through the working groups.

Foto fra FinlandNVF Board

The NVF Board is the highest decision-making body in the NVF. The NVF Board consists of the chairpersons, vice-chairpersons, and secretaries of each country’s national association board. See the pages of the NVF Board here.

The chairmanship of the NVF is changed on a rotating basis every four years between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Finland holds the chairmanship period for the current period 1st July 2024–30th June 2028. The chairmanship period ends with Via Nordica -congress in 2028. You can find more information about the congress here.

National associations

The member countries of the NVF are Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Each member country has its own national association with a chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, and members.

NVF is a co-operation between public and private sectors. The chairpersons of the national associations are the directors of the national road administrations of each country and the vice-chairpersons come from the private sector.

The chairperson, vice-chairperson, and secretary of the national association of the leading country are also the chairperson, vice-chairperson, and secretary of the NVF Board during the chairmanship period.

Working groups

The work in the NVF takes place through the working groups. The working groups have a chairperson, vice-chairperson, and members from the member countries. In the NVF working group the members share and develop knowledge and best practices in the road and transport sector. The working groups work within a common framework and roles.

The working groups are diverse and consist of experts across the public and private sectors. The working groups’ operation is based on a business plan that the groups prepare at the beginning of the period. In addition, the NVF Board may give specific assignments to the working groups.

During the period 2024–2028 there are nine working groups in total. Below you can see the working groups and the countries that hold the chairmanships of the working groups.




Nordic Construction Market


Operation and Maintenance


Road Design


Road Freight Transport


Road Technology


Road Traffic Safety




Urban Transport and Transport Planning


Organization chart will be updated in July 2024.


Members of the working group

Here you can see a list of all members of the working group.

Contact information can be found at Member page



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Working group calendar

Here you can see a list of upcoming and past meetings.

Upcoming events
Past events

Work materials
