Home Nordic Construction Market seminar on 24 August 2023

Nordic Construction Market seminar on 24 August 2023

The NVF Working Group for the Nordic Civil Engineering Market arranges an open seminar on procurement and the market in the Nordic region on Thursday 24 August in Stockholm (09:00-16:00 CEST)

The seminar topics are:

  • What does the market look like?
  • What is happening in the Nordic countries today and what is developing in each country?

Join the seminar to find out! Speakers from all Nordic road administrations.

For anyone interested in:
– Procurement models in the Nordic countries
– The Nordic Road Construction Market: Current volumes and
future plans

Place: Trafikverket, Solna, Stockholm
Address: Solna Strandväg 98, Solna, Sweden
Time: Thursday 24.8.2023 from 9:00 to 16:00 (CET)
Language: the seminar will be held in English

Limited number of participants!
Price: Free (includes lunch and coffee)

Program and more information about the Nordic Construction Market seminar on 24 August 2023


Please register by sending an email to frida.reinikka@ramboll.fi with your name, title, and organization. Register before 14.8.2023.