Home PIARC call for papers til vinterkongressen i 2022

PIARC call for papers til vinterkongressen i 2022

I februar 2022 afholdes PIARC XVI World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress i Calgary, Canada. Det overordnede tema for kongressen er “Adapting to af Changing World”. Call for papers (abstracts) til 15 udvalgte emner er den 30. november 2020.

Læs mere i invitationen nedenfor, hvor du også finder et link til yderligere information.

PIARC Calgary

Dear colleagues,

As a longstanding member of PIARC, Canada is proud to be the host nation for the XVI World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress, which will be held in Calgary, Alberta from February 8-11, 2022.

Canada is a country that prides itself on its multiculturalism. Surrounded by incomparable natural beauty, Calgary is set dramatically between prairies and the peaks, and is a metropolis known for its western hospitality, sport culture, lively festivals, arts scene, and innovative chef-driven culinary experiences.

The XVI Congress will begin a new and exciting chapter for PIARC.  The 2022 Congress will focus on “Adapting to a Changing World” and will be structured around two themes: Winter Service and Resilience.  Historically, this Congress represents a unique opportunity to discuss topics related to roads in winter: traffic management, pavement conditions, de-icing agents, equipment, information to users, and more. In an effort to highlight issues of paramount importance to PIARC members, the additional theme of resilience will be addressed during the 2022 Congress. Ensuring the resilience of roads and of transport services is indeed a priority for PIARC members, who are confronted with deteriorating infrastructure, budget constraints, adverse climate events, and rapidly evolving user expectations. Road resilience will be addressed in the broadest sense, without seasonal constraints.

PIARC is calling for individual contributions on 15 selected topics through a Call for Papers process.  For additional information on the process, please visit: https://www.piarc.org/en/News-Agenda-PIARC/News/2020-07-15,Submit-your-abstract-before-30-November-2020-and-contribute-to-PIARC-next-World-Winter-Service-and-Road-Resilience-Congress-July-2020.htm .

It is with great pride that I share with you Bulletin N° 1 for the 2022 Congress.  This Congress is designed to be a world-class event that builds on decades of PIARC experience and promises to bring together road experts and practitioners from across the globe.  With climate change and carbon footprints being an important part of this Congress, and with health concerns about shipping and handling large quantities of printed material around the world as we continue to struggle with the impact of COVID-19, the Congress organizing committee has made Bulletin N° 1 available as a printable .pdf in two formats available at: https://www.piarc-calgary2022.org/congress/.  I encourage you to share the bulletin with your colleagues.  We invite you to visit our Congress website for more up-to-date information on Congress details in the months to come.

We look forward to the hosting and welcoming the world to the Congress, and the presentations, discussions, and sharing of knowledge and solutions that it will bring to Calgary in 2022.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@piarc-calgary2022.org .

Best regards,

Ms. Marie-Claude Petit

Canada’s First Delegate to PIARC

Director General, Transportation and Infrastructure Programs

Transport Canada